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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Does it Take to Make Real Money Online

Weeding through info on line first seemed like an impossible task. I began several years ago to look for an on line business that I felt would meet my needs and personality. My first impression was a huge mountain of choices and no direction to go in. How do you even began to weed out the scams from the real stuff. Research told me that 98% of the businesses on line were scams so how was I going to find the 2% that were not scams in disguise. Lets face it, didn't your mother tell you that most things in life that sound to good to be true are to good to be true. Well I found that premise to be true about the internet as well.

Since most things that sound to good to be true are not realistic than my next step was to find a product that is realistic. Thus my hunt began. I quickly realized the "me too just like you" products were definitely not what I was looking for. Nor were the many vitamins, lotions and potions available to market on line. I wasn't interested in cold calling, chasing customers or even doing follow up calls for that matter.I had already experienced a thirty year career chasing clients, cold calling and closing the sale in a thankless job. It made me lots of money but was a whole lot of work and hours. I was ready for something more simple than that but also more gratifying.

What I wanted was a product that could truly do something good for people. Something that would help me give back to society but that I could benefit from too. Lets face it I wasn't doing this for fun, I wanted to make money on line. I did some soul searching about the problems in our economy and our society today and decided this. A huge percentage of the population in the US is up to their necks in debt. Our education is lacking in the financial planning department, household budgeting etc.

What if I could offer to my clients not only a way to budget and spend their money wisely, but also a way to learn how to get out of debt and to make money at the same time wouldn't that be a fabulous contribution to our society as a whole? Well I found that product and I promise you this is no scam.


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