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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Simple Way to Make Extra Money at Home

So you want to make extra money at home huh? Congratulations, you are just like the rest of the world. Unfortunately, it takes more then just a desire to make extra money from home... You must first learn the right way to do it.
So does this mean there are wrong ways to make extra money at home?
Well that depends on who you ask... I personally think so, but some might say that it's not wrong if someone else before you has made money with it. Oh well. To each his own.
Let me start by telling you why most people fail to make extra money at home...
The number one reason is because they are not willing to do the work. The number two reason is because they don't have the right information. Sure you can make extra money at home by selling stuff on eBay, but is that something you REALLY want to do?
If the answer is no, then you probably have more of an entrepreneurial mindset, and eBay just won't cut it. You want to build a REAL online business. If this is how you feel, then maybe you can agree that in this case, there ARE some wrong ways of making extra money at home.
So what is the RIGHT way?
Well, there is a little more to it then this, but to put it in it's simplest form, you must have two things in place to make extra money at home.
1. A product or service to sell
2. Someone interested in buying it
Completely logical right?
Where most people mess up, is they focus on making sells, instead of focusing on building a list of targeted people. In this case, I mean an email list.
Think about it...
If you spent the next few months building an email list of 10,000 people that were ALL interested in learning how to train their dogs, how hard would it be for you to find a top notch dog training manual, send out a few emails, and get people to buy it?
Not hard at all.
Now what if you could earn a commission when anyone purchased that book?
THAT is exactly how to make extra money at home. Although there is not enough time for me to go into great details here, you now know exactly how it's done


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