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Friday, August 20, 2010

Make Money With Less Work

Is your online business where you want it to be? Seriously, are you still working hard with little money to show for it?
If that's you then please read on as I expose 3 passive income streams that are working fantastic right now and will continue to work in the future. The cool thing is once you do the work to set them up and get them going it requires little to no work to keep them making you money - how cool is that?
I'm sure if you been learning internet marketing for any amount of time you know that there is a lot of false promises, that just aren't as good as they make them out to be. I feel your pain, I'm always looking to learn more ways to increase my online income.
After several years and thousands of dollars investing in what won't work, might work and works a little bit. I've finally found 3 passive income generating systems that are bringing in good money and can be used in combination to reduce the risk of one going bad and leaving you broke.
Enough about that let me share what I'm doing to rake in passive income streams, that you should highly consider adding into your business.
The first thing I'm doing is building email list, I've set it up so that I get subscribers on a continual basis with little to no time or work on my part. It's actually pretty easy to do, but takes some effort to get it going.
Second, I've been doing some offline marketing as it's commonly call. What I do is automate and outsource the entire process of finding small business owners who are interested in improving their websites conversions and traffic. Next outsource the individual task required to reach the businesses goal. Then ask for a monthly fee and you'll have monthly income coming in without doing a thing, plus you'll have the initial charge to do the marketing task.
The third way I produce passive income is through blogging. The truth is blogging is the most passive of them all, you can have someone else do all of the initial work to get content for the site and traffic to the site and once your on the top of Google for a few terms you won't really need to do anything.


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